Pair functions

Function NameDescription
pair()Creates a pair from a key and value.
parse_pair()Parses a string to form a pair.

Each argument has a required section which is denoted with required or optional

  • If it’s denoted by required it means the argument must be passed into that function before it’ll work.
  • if it’s denoted by optional it means the function can work without passing the argument value.


Creates a pair from a key and value.


NameTypeRequired or OptionalDescription
KeystringRequiredString for the key in the pair
ValuestringRequiredString for the value in the pair
SeparatorstringOptional (Default: ”:“)Separator between the key and value in the pair


Returns a pair with the key Key and the value Value with the separator Seperator.


pair("key", "value", ".")
| where tags contains pair("host", "mymachine")

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Creates a pair from a key and value.


NameTypeRequired or OptionalDescription
PairstringRequiredString that has a pair of key value to pull out
SeparatorstringOptional (Default: ”:“)Separator between the key and value in the pair


Returns a pair with the key and value separated by the separator Seperator in Pair. If none is found a pair with the value of Pair and an empty key is returned.


parse_pair("key.value", ".")
| where parse_pair(tags[0]).key == "host"

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